Print Monthly Diary

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How to Download and Print.

Below is the full diary as found at the back of the church for you to download and print yourself. Each Month this page will uploaded around the 20th of the month, with the following month's diary.

Note The image may take a moment to load, according to your connection speeds, and prints at a slightly lower resolution than the printed version.

Note: This Page is new and in its early stages of development.


Computer systems that have touch screens may be slightly different.

To Use:
1. Download the Diary page to your computer.

Select the Diary by right-clicking the image and selecting
'Save image as' or 'Save to downloads'
then click 'Save'

2. To Use on Computer.
Find the downloaded file and double-click on the file, this will open up your photographic software and show you the image.

3. Print File
Find the image file you downloaded it will have the file extension for a photograph XXXX.jpg and open it up then use your system Print function.

Computer systems that have touch screens may be slightly different.

Image: Print Version for March

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